The Surprising Retirement Mistake 77% of Americans Make

In light of the challenges facing Americans in saving for retirement, recent findings suggest a concerning trend in financial preparedness. According to a survey by FinanceBuzz, a mere 23% of participants initiated their retirement savings in their 20s. The reliability of Social Security as a single source of income has become a significant topic of … Read more

Retirement Reality Check: The Shocking Expenses You’re Forgetting About

Retiring with the assurance that all your expenses are covered is a dream for many hardworking Americans. However, even with careful saving and budgeting, unforeseen costs can creep into your retirement plans. Some of these expenses might even enhance your quality of life.  While everyone’s retirement goals are unique, certain costs are often forgotten when … Read more

Do You Think You Will Retire Comfortably?

According to a recent Gallup survey shared with CNN, Americans’ confidence in their ability to retire comfortably has reached an 11-year low, reflecting growing economic pessimism. The survey reveals that only 43% of nonretired adults believe they will have sufficient funds to live comfortably during retirement, the lowest level since 2012. This prior year saw a decline of five percentage points in this figure, and it has decreased by ten percentage points since 2021.