AMP Pages: Easily Manage Consent Preferences for Data Collection on BBC Mobile Site

London, UK – Visitors to AMP pages on BBC may now manage their consent settings to control data collection and personalized ads. These settings are specific to AMP pages and may need to be set again when visiting non-AMP BBC pages. The lightweight mobile pages on the BBC website are built using Google AMP technology.

There are strictly necessary data collection practices in place to make the web pages work, involving the storage of limited information on the user’s device without their consent. Additionally, local storage is used to store consent preferences on the device.

In addition to necessary data collection, visitors have the option to consent to data collection on AMP pages, which allows for the display of personalized ads relevant to the user when outside of the UK. Users also have the choice to reject personalized ads, although they will still see non-personalized advertising. These settings can be changed at any time by clicking “Ad Choices / Do not sell my info” in the website’s footer.

The BBC emphasizes the importance of providing transparency and control over their users’ data. By allowing users to manage their consent settings, the BBC aims to create a more personalized and user-friendly experience while maintaining respect for user privacy and preferences.

It is important for websites to provide clear information about data collection and personalized ads, as well as give users the ability to make informed decisions about their privacy. The BBC’s approach to consent settings and data collection serves as an example of how organizations can prioritize user privacy and transparency while still delivering personalized content and advertising.