Antisemitic Vandals Target Jewish MP’s Office in St Kilda with Graffiti and Red Paint

Melbourne, Australia – In the early hours of Wednesday, a group of vandals launched a targeted attack on the office of Jewish MP Josh Burns in St Kilda. The perpetrators set fires, shattered windows, and daubed red paint both inside and outside the office, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Their actions bore clear antisemitic sentiments, as evidenced by the addition of horns to a poster of Burns and the spray-painted message “Zionism is Fascism” on his office window.

Burns, visibly shaken by the incident, expressed his concerns about the safety of local residents in a media conference following the attack. He emphasized the futile nature of such violence, stating that while it may cause distress locally, it does nothing to address the issues in the Middle East.

Victoria Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which forced the closure of Burns’ office. The data collected under Operation Park revealed a disturbing trend, with the majority of religiously prejudiced crimes being antisemitic and politically motivated crimes targeting anti-Israel sentiments. This rise in antisemitism has placed the Jewish community in Australia under immense strain, with members feeling increasingly vulnerable and targeted.

Political figures, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, have condemned the attack and called for swift prosecution of the perpetrators. However, concerns have been raised about the lack of tangible action to address rising antisemitism, such as the delayed appointment of an antisemitism coordinator.

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria has highlighted the urgent need for increased safety measures to protect Australian Jews from ongoing threats and harassment. The community is calling for immediate action to ensure their safety in all aspects of daily life, from public spaces to community gatherings. Authorities have been urged to address these incidents promptly and decisively to send a strong message against hate crimes targeting the Jewish community.