**Antisemitism**: Jewish-Israeli Teen Assaulted at New Brunswick School Sparking Outrage and Calls for Action

Fredericton, New Brunswick – A recent incident at a high school in New Brunswick has sparked outrage within the Jewish community and shed light on the rising tide of antisemitism in Canada. The assault of a Jewish-Israeli teen at Leo Hayes High School has drawn attention to the disturbing trend of hate crimes against Jewish individuals. This incident, captured in a video that circulated online, has been described as one of the most egregious acts of violence targeting a Jewish person, according to an expert with decades of experience combating antisemitism.

The victim, a student at the high school, was viciously attacked from behind by another female student, resulting in visible injuries such as black eyes, bruises, and cuts. Despite the severity of the assault, the school’s response to the incident has been met with criticism. Instead of taking decisive action against the attacker, the school opted to suspend her for a mere five days, leaving the victim vulnerable to ongoing harassment.

The incident in New Brunswick is just one example of a broader pattern of rising antisemitism across Canada. Political leaders have been accused of passively condoning antisemitic behavior by failing to address pro-Hamas demonstrations on university campuses and pressure from education boards to incorporate anti-Israel views into school curriculums. This lack of action has emboldened those spreading hate speech and promoting violence against Jewish individuals.

In a troubling turn of events, Mayor Olivia Chow of Toronto recently skipped an Israeli flag-raising ceremony at City Hall, sending a message that was perceived as disrespectful to the Jewish community. This perceived snub underscored tensions in a city where the Jewish community has played a significant role in shaping its social fabric for over a century and a half.

Condemning acts of antisemitism is crucial to combatting the toxic environment that allows such hatred to thrive. Calls for stronger hate crime legislation, unequivocal support for Jewish events, and denunciation of calls for violence and genocide against the Jewish state are essential steps that leaders must take to address the root causes of antisemitism in society.

Despite the challenges posed by rising antisemitism, there have been displays of solidarity and support for the Jewish community. From remembrance ceremonies to celebrations of milestones like Israel’s independence, many leaders and community members have stood up to unequivocally denounce hate and violence. Taking a firm stance against antisemitism is not just a moral imperative but a critical step towards creating a more inclusive and tolerant society for all.