Assaulted Ex-“Home and Away” Star Facing More Jail Time

Melbourne, Australia – Orpheus Pledger, a former star of the television show “Home and Away,” faces the possibility of further imprisonment after pleading guilty to assaulting a woman. The incidents took place earlier this year in Melbourne, where Pledger has been awaiting sentencing for his actions.

The victim, who raised concerns about Pledger’s drug use and declining mental health, was reportedly kicked and punched by him on two separate occasions. In one incident, he dragged her by the hair and stomped on her face. The severity of the assaults led to the victim being hospitalized with extensive bruises and cuts.

Following his arrest, Pledger was released on bail under the condition that he undergo a mental health assessment. However, he fled from the hospital the next day, leading to a three-day police pursuit before he was apprehended and remanded in custody. Pledger, who appeared on “Home and Away” from 2016 to 2019, has already spent 96 days in pre-sentence detention.

Despite this, prosecutors are advocating for an extended prison sentence for Pledger, emphasizing the seriousness of his actions against the victim. Magistrate Justin Foster has ordered further assessments of Pledger’s mental health and the consideration of a community corrections order prior to his sentencing.

The case highlights the ongoing issue of domestic violence and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. As Pledger awaits his sentencing, the justice system will play a crucial role in ensuring that the victim receives the justice and support she deserves.