Attack at New Plymouth’s Braemar Motor Inn in October 2022 Leaves Man Injured and Accused of Being a Child Molester

New Plymouth, New Zealand – In October 2022, a horrifying attack took place at the Braemar Motor Inn, resulting in a man and his father being assaulted by individuals with a mission to score drugs at the emergency housing motel. The victim faced a terrifying ordeal as a knife was held to his throat, causing a small cut, and he was subjected to multiple punches to his face, leading to bruising and a swollen eye.

Maxien Chand recently appeared in New Plymouth District Court for her role in the attack, where it was revealed that she, along with Jay Paul Jorgen Andersen and Veronica Poa, had visited the Braemar Motor Inn on the night of the incident. They had gone there to purchase drugs before a violent altercation ensued.

The Crown’s summary of the events detailed how the trio arrived at the motel, which was serving as an emergency housing provider, and engaged in drug-related activities. Andersen and Poa confronted a resident at the motel, accusing him of being a child sex offender. This confrontation quickly escalated into violence, with Andersen brandishing a knife and Poa physically assaulting the man.

The situation took a turn for the worse when the victim’s father, who was also staying at the motel, intervened and was drawn into a physical altercation with the attackers. The chaos continued as plastic chairs were thrown between the parties involved in the altercation.

Chand, realizing the severity of the situation, grabbed an item from the room before urging the others to leave the scene. As they drove away, the group was involved in a single-vehicle crash on State Highway 3, leading to their eventual apprehension by authorities.

Chand was sentenced to time served for her involvement, while Andersen and Poa faced charges of burglary and assault for their roles in the violent attack. The incident shed light on the dangers associated with drug-related activities and the consequences that can arise from such behavior.

As authorities continue to investigate the incident, it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining safety and security in emergency housing facilities to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.