Bear Attack Survivor Shares Harrowing Tale of Grizzly Encounter

Boston, Massachusetts – A terrifying grizzly bear attack unfolded in Moose, Wyoming, when 35-year-old Shayne Patrick Burke of South Hadley found himself face to face with a mother bear and her cub. Burke, a disabled Army veteran and nature enthusiast, set out on a photography expedition in the woods near Signal Mountain Summit Road on Sunday, May 19.

As Burke ventured into the dense forest in search of a Great Grey Owl, he suddenly encountered the bear cub, followed closely by its protective mother. Despite his efforts to defend himself with bear spray, the mother bear viciously attacked Burke, inflicting severe injuries to his back, shoulders, legs, and head in a relentless assault.

After bravely facing the ferocious bear, Burke managed to momentarily distract her by deploying the bear spray, causing her to retreat momentarily. In the midst of his injuries, Burke desperately reached out to his wife for help, ultimately applying improvised tourniquets to his legs as he awaited rescue in the remote wilderness.

Despite the traumatic ordeal, Burke’s quick thinking and the assistance of emergency responders played a crucial role in his survival. Ultimately, Burke credits the UDAP Bear Spray for saving his life, highlighting the importance of adequate preparation and equipment when venturing into bear country.

Although Burke sustained severe injuries during the encounter, he is expected to recover fully from the harrowing experience. The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of wildlife encounters and the importance of being vigilant and prepared when exploring nature’s untamed landscapes.