Bear Spray Saves Massachusetts Man Attacked by Grizzly in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park

Jackson, Wyoming – A Massachusetts man, Shayne Patrick Burke, survived a terrifying encounter with a mother grizzly in Grand Teton National Park. While hiking on Signal Mountain, Burke unknowingly approached the grizzly’s cub, prompting the attack. Despite following safety protocols and carrying bear spray, he was unable to deploy it in time as the grizzly charged. The attack only ended when the bear bit into the canister of bear spray, releasing its contents.

After the incident, the National Park Service decided not to capture or kill the grizzly, a decision fully supported by Burke. In a post on his Instagram page, he shared his story and expressed his admiration for the wildlife that nearly took his life.

Burke, a disabled veteran in the U.S. Army Reserve, described the attack as the most violent experience of his life, surpassing even his military encounters with gunfire and explosions. He detailed how he positioned himself to protect vital areas while the grizzly repeatedly attacked him, crediting the explosion of the bear spray can in the bear’s mouth for saving his life.

Despite sustaining severe injuries, Burke emphasized the importance of education and preparedness in his survival. His military training and first aid knowledge played a crucial role in his ability to control bleeding and await rescue. The prompt response from Jenny Lake Rangers and Teton SAR, known for their expertise in search and rescue operations, was instrumental in saving his life.

Burke’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of being informed and equipped when exploring bear country. He hopes that the grizzly responsible for the attack, acting in defense of her cub, will be left unharmed. His respect for wildlife and understanding of the unfortunate circumstances that led to the encounter highlight the need for coexistence and caution in the wilderness.

Despite the traumatic experience, Burke maintains a positive outlook and gratitude for those who assisted in his rescue. His harrowing tale sheds light on the unpredictable nature of wildlife encounters and the resilience needed to survive such challenges in the great outdoors.