Brothers’ Lenient Sentencing Rejected by Judge for Violent Vigilante Attack

Brantford, Ontario – A Brantford judge recently delivered a strong message when she rejected the possibility of sentencing three brothers to house arrest for a violent vigilante attack that took place at a Dunnville park in 2020.

Last month, Justice Colette Good voiced her opinion in court, emphasizing that despite certain factors that favored a community sentence, the severe beating inflicted on one young victim indicated that prison time could be warranted for the brothers. The incident involved Tyler Caissie, Lawrence Caissie, and Brandon Caissie, who all pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in a park brawl that escalated following an altercation with a group of teenagers.

Carrying weapons such as a baseball bat, hammer, and a broken stick, the brothers, along with a fourth individual, made their intentions clear by showing up armed and ready to engage in a fight. The confrontation led to a violent altercation where the victims, all 16-year-olds, suffered various degrees of physical harm, with one of them sustaining serious injuries including skull fractures, brain bleeds, and a broken elbow after being repeatedly struck with a baseball bat.

Despite the brothers’ lack of criminal records and their efforts to improve their lives through counseling and medication while on strict house arrest, Justice Good noted that the gravity of their actions could not be overlooked. She emphasized that the brothers’ attack on defenseless teenagers, their premeditated planning of the fight, and the deliberate targeting of the victim’s head all pointed to the serious nature of their crime.

The judge also dismissed the brothers’ claim of Indigenous status, citing their failure to provide evidence to support this assertion. Furthermore, she highlighted concerns about the potential for further vigilante behavior if the brothers were to receive lenient sentences like house arrest.

In the end, Tyler Caissie, who showed “zero regard for the safety of others” by attacking the teenagers with weapons, received an 18-month jail sentence, while Lawrence Caissie and Brandon Caissie were sentenced to 12 months and nine months, respectively. Additionally, all three brothers will be placed on a two-year probation upon release, during which they are prohibited from contact with their victims and face restrictions on possessing weapons.

The judge’s decision sends a strong message about accountability and consequences for violent actions, reinforcing the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for victims of such crimes.