Counterprotester Arrested for Assault at UCLA Protest Encampment: Police Investigation Ongoing

Los Angeles, California – A pro-Israeli counterprotester found himself in hot water as UCLA police arrested him following allegations of assaulting occupants of a campus protest encampment. The UCLA Police Department worked diligently to identify the suspect, who was not a member of the campus community, and was part of a group that reportedly engaged in violent behavior toward students, faculty, and staff on April 30. The 18-year-old man was taken into custody in Beverly Hills and has been charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon. He is currently being held in Los Angeles County jail on a $30,000 bail, marking the first arrest of a counterprotester in connection with the incident.

Law enforcement sources have confirmed the identity of the arrested individual as Edan On, who was previously identified by CNN as the individual seen on widely shared images and videos wielding a wooden pole and hitting a pro-Palestinian protester. UCLA Police Department issued a statement affirming their commitment to investigate all reported acts of violence, emphasizing ongoing efforts to identify other individuals involved in violent activities during protest or counter-protest events that occurred between April 25 and May 2, 2024.

In a separate incident, a group of student journalists were also attacked by counterprotesters on April 30, prompting an independent review of the university’s response to campus unrest. The rise in protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict has been causing disruptions at universities across the country, with more than 200 people being arrested at UCLA in early May following clashes between police and protesters.

As a result of the security failures that led to violence at a pro-Palestinian encampment, Campus Police Chief John Thomas was removed from his post and reassigned. Additionally, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block faced questioning from members of Congress over his handling of complaints regarding campus antisemitism. The incidents have underscored the need for universities to address and manage escalating tensions arising from polarizing geopolitical issues affecting their campuses. This recent arrest serves as a step toward accountability and justice in ensuring the safety and security of all individuals on campus grounds.