Crime Data Highlights Spike in Violence Under Maryland Senate Candidate Larry Hogan’s Democratic Opponent

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland – Maryland Senate candidate Larry Hogan launched a new ad on Monday, targeting his Democratic opponent Angela Alsobrooks for her crime record. This move marks Hogan’s first direct attack on Alsobrooks, the Prince George’s County executive, through advertising.

The ad, revealed first by reports, features Alsobrooks boasting about reducing violent crime by 50% during her time as the top prosecutor of Prince George’s County. However, FBI data shows a decrease in violent crime by roughly half during that period. In a recent MSNBC interview, Alsobrooks mentioned a drop in overall crime this year but avoided acknowledging the rise in violent crime.

Hogan, a Republican known for his centrist approach as governor of Maryland, has previously highlighted his independence and willingness to work across party lines in his campaign. However, this latest ad aims to counter Alsobrooks’s claims, emphasizing the surge in crime since she took office as county executive.

The ad labels Alsobrooks as a “typical politician who fails to deliver,” referencing FBI data indicating a more than 30% increase in violent crime in Prince George’s County from 2018 to 2022. The video also points out rises in homicides and carjackings during the same period.

Despite requests for comments, the Alsobrooks campaign has remained silent. The ad will run on various social media platforms.

Hogan clarified that the ad is more of a comparison than an attack. He emphasized that it focuses on Alsobrooks’s record on crime, rather than attacking her personally. The Hogan campaign has been critical of Alsobrooks’s handling of public safety, mirroring the broader criticisms from congressional Republicans of Democrats nationwide.

The Maryland Senate race, set to fill the seat of retiring Sen. Ben Cardin, could impact control of the Senate as Republicans aim to regain the majority. Democrats currently hold a slim 51-49 edge, requiring them to win all competitive races and secure President Joe Biden’s reelection to maintain control.

Overall crime rates across the nation dipped significantly in 2023 after a spike during the pandemic. However, violent crime in Prince George’s County has been on the rise again, raising concerns for residents. Statistics have shown significant increases in carjackings and other crimes in the county in recent years.