Deputy Fatally Shot in Hillsdale County During Traffic Stop: Suspect Killed After Manhunt

HILLSDALE COUNTY, Mich. – The tragic loss of a Hillsdale County sheriff’s deputy occurred during a routine traffic stop. The deputy, identified as Eric Michael Fiddler, was shot in the area of Beecher and Lamb roads, initiating a widespread manhunt involving various law enforcement agencies such as K9 Aviation and ES Team.

After the incident on Thursday, a lengthy search ensued until the Michigan State Police Emergency Support Team located Fiddler hiding in a nearby field. Despite instructions to surrender, Fiddler opted to engage in gunfire, prompting Troopers to retaliate, resulting in his demise on the spot.

This devastating event marks the second law enforcement officer to lose their life in the line of duty in Michigan this week. The camaraderie among police forces was evident as Michigan State Police expressed their condolences to the Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Office for their tragic loss.

The loss of the Hillsdale County deputy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers law enforcement officers face daily while serving their communities. The bravery and dedication of these individuals are commendable as they put their lives on the line to uphold justice and ensure the safety of others.

As details of the incident unfold, the community mourns the loss of a devoted deputy who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The impact of this tragedy reverberates through law enforcement agencies and the local community, highlighting the risks officers undertake to protect and serve.