Guilty Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Murder of Carolyn Kemp Nearly 13 Years After Initial Attack

Romford, Essex – Trevor Baker, 53, has been sentenced to at least 20 years in prison for the murder of Carolyn Kemp, a woman he brutally attacked over a decade ago. Kemp, 34 at the time of the assault, suffered irreversible brain damage and became quadriplegic as a result of Baker’s actions. Despite leaving Baker six months before the attack, Kemp’s decision led to a ferocious and fatal assault that changed her life forever.

Following Kemp’s passing from aspiration pneumonia in 2022, a forensic post-mortem examination revealed a direct link between the injuries inflicted by Baker in 2009 and her subsequent death. Baker, already serving time for the attempted murder of Kemp, entered a guilty plea to murder after her passing nearly 13 years post-assault. The court sentenced him to an additional five years and eight months in prison.

Carolyn’s mother, speaking on behalf of the family, described her daughter as “the sweetest little girl any mother could have.” Baker’s actions not only took away Carolyn’s ability to love and nurture her children but also caused immeasurable pain and suffering for her loved ones over the years. Although Baker’s guilty plea spared the family from a trial, they believe he remains a threat to women.

Detective Chief Inspector Kelly Allen of the Met’s Specialist Crime Command acknowledged the extreme violence Kemp endured at the hands of Baker, which ultimately led to her death after years of suffering. Allen emphasized the importance of holding Baker accountable for the devastation he caused to Kemp and her loved ones. Despite the guilty plea, the loss of Carolyn and the impact of Baker’s actions continue to reverberate within the family and community.

In sentencing Baker, the court sought justice for Kemp and aimed to provide closure for her family. The tragic case serves as a stark reminder of the lasting effects of domestic violence and the importance of swift and fair legal proceedings. As the community grapples with the loss of Carolyn Kemp, her memory serves as a beacon for awareness and action against intimate partner violence.