Gymgoers Shocked: Witness Describes Alexandria Shooting as “Unbelievable”

Alexandria, Va. – The calm atmosphere inside the Onelife Fitness gym on Hooff’s Run Drive was shattered when a shooting took place, leaving two men dead. Members attempting to enter for a workout found the doors locked, with a sign indicating the closure due to the tragic incident that occurred on Saturday around 4 p.m.

Tommy Dow, a regular at the gym, expressed his disbelief, mentioning that he had been there just the morning before the shooting. The news of the violence came as a shock to many gym-goers like Brian Lemons, who arrived unaware of the tragedy unfolding inside.

A witness inside the gym at the time of the shooting described hearing three shots before witnessing a chaotic scene as people rushed out of the facility in panic. He mentioned that the shooting occurred in a stretch room, a somewhat closed-off area within the gym.

Despite the presence of approximately 45 individuals in the gym, most were unable to see what had transpired. The witness described the distressing sight of a woman fleeing the scene in a state of hysteria. The incident, described as a targeted attack, left many patrons in shock.

Members of the gym community expressed disbelief at the rare occurrence of violence in their familiar fitness space. Alexandria Police are investigating the connection between the two deceased individuals and are working to determine if they had any prior association.

This tragic event marks the first shooting death in Alexandria for the year 2024. As the community grapples with the aftermath of this incident, questions linger about the circumstances surrounding the violent episode that unfolded within the walls of a place typically associated with health and wellness.