Hate Crime Alert: President Biden Reacts to Attempted Drowning of Child in Texas Pool

Dallas, Texas – President Joe Biden condemned a racially motivated attack on a 3-year-old Palestinian-American girl in Euless, Texas. The incident, which took place at an apartment complex pool, involved a 42-year-old woman attempting to drown the child due to her family’s ethnicity. Biden expressed his deep concern for the young victim and her family, emphasizing that no child should ever face such a violent attack.

The incident occurred on May 19 at an apartment complex off of Highway 360 in Euless, where the woman allegedly targeted the child because of her family’s background. The victim’s mother, who wears a hijab, reported that the woman made derogatory comments about her ethnicity before attempting to drown her daughter. Fortunately, witnesses were able to intervene, preventing any physical harm to the child.

The suspect, Elizabeth Wolf, was arrested at the scene for public intoxication and later charged with injury to a child and attempted capital murder. Despite the severity of the charges, Wolf was able to post bail within one day of her arrest. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called for state and federal hate crimes investigations into the incident, highlighting the importance of addressing such acts of violence.

Authorities in Tarrant County confirmed that they are reviewing the details of the case, indicating a potential legal response to the incident. The community’s response to the attack has been one of outrage and concern, with many calling for justice for the young victim and her family. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by minority communities in the fight against discrimination and hate crimes.