Health Minister Scandal: Aboriginal Woman Leaves Hospital After Traumatic Attack

Ballarat, Victoria: A young Aboriginal woman, Sissy Austin, shared a harrowing experience at a hospital in Ballarat, Victoria, following a violent assault she endured. During a truth-telling inquiry, Austin recounted how she self-discharged despite suffering severe head injuries, dizziness, and vomiting after being attacked in a forest near Ballarat last year.

The former First Peoples’ Assembly member detailed how she felt confused and alone at the hospital, only to realize days later that she had signed discharge papers without understanding what she was signing. Her treatment at the hospital was deemed “completely and utterly unacceptable” by Victoria’s health minister, Mary-Anne Thomas.

Despite feeling unsafe and uncared for at the hospital, Austin was insisted upon signing a discharge form before she could leave. Her experience of being left alone, disoriented, and eventually ending up on the streets of Ballarat at 1 am paints a troubling picture of the care she received.

Mary-Anne Thomas highlighted the shocking nature of Austin’s experience during her testimony at the Yoorrook Justice Commission. The commission is focused on examining injustices within Victoria’s health, housing, and education systems, aiming to address ongoing impacts of colonization on First Peoples.

Furthermore, data provided by the Victorian health department shows that Indigenous Australians are leaving hospitals against medical advice at a significantly higher rate than non-Indigenous Australians. These disparities highlight the importance of cultural safety and equitable healthcare for all individuals.

In response to Austin’s experience, Grampians Health and Victoria Police have been contacted for comment. The Department of Health is committed to addressing disparities in healthcare between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, acknowledging the need for improvements to ensure culturally safe and respectful care for all individuals.

Despite the challenges she faced, Austin has returned to full-time work after experiencing post-concussion syndrome following the assault. As she continues to seek justice for her ordeal, her story sheds light on the systemic issues faced by First Peoples in accessing quality healthcare and the need for greater cultural sensitivity within healthcare settings.