In South Shore this week, a tragic discovery was made when a 15-year-old girl, Amarise Parker, who had been reported missing for several months, was found deceased due to strangulation. Her lifeless body was located in an apartment within the 7200 block of South Phillips Avenue, with the discovery occurring at 7:24 p.m. on Tuesday. The Cook County Medical Examiner’s office officially identified the victim as Amarise Parker and determined that her cause of death was asphyxiation from strangulation, categorizing it as a homicide.
Amarise had first been the subject of a missing person alert from Chicago Police on November 26, but her disappearance had also been reported earlier on August 31, though she had returned home a day after that initial report.
Security personnel were present outside the building on the evening when Amarise’s lifeless body was found. On Thursday evening, Amarise Parker’s parents, along with community activist Andrew Holmes and other supporters, made a heartfelt plea for anyone with information about their daughter’s murder to step forward.
Amarise’s mother, Yahanna Clark, described her daughter as a beloved soul who did not deserve such a fate. “She was a lovely soul. Everybody loved her. She was a lovely soul. Everybody loved her.”
She appealed directly to the perpetrator, urging them to come forward, as justice would ultimately prevail. “To the person who did this, you need to just give it up because God is going to get you anyway.”
An activist, deeply affected by the tragedy, emphasized the gravity of the situation, noting that someone out there likely possessed crucial information. They implored individuals with knowledge about the case to come forward, acknowledging the possibility of remorse or regret on the part of those involved. The activist also highlighted the importance of any potential witnesses who may have heard something or been privy to information about the incident.
Amarise was a sophomore at CICS Loomis Longwood High School, located at 1309 W. 95th St. The Chicago Public Schools extended their condolences to all affected by this heart-wrenching tragedy, expressing their profound sorrow at the loss of yet another young life.
The police had not taken anyone into custody in connection with the case, and detectives continued their investigation.