Hindutva Mob Attacks Muslims in Telangana’s Medak, Sparking Tensions and Clashes

Hyderabad, Telangana: Tensions are high in the town of Medak following an attack by Hindutva extremists against Muslim residents. The situation has prompted heavy police deployment and the imposition of restrictions in the area.

Reports from Kashmir Media Service indicate that the violence erupted when a mob of Hindutva activists targeted Muslim residents who had brought cattle for slaughtering as part of the Eid-Al-Adha celebrations. The town witnessed clashes, vandalism at hospitals, and forced closures of shops owned by Muslims. In response to a call from a saffron political party to observe a strike, security measures have been heightened to prevent further escalation. Section 144 has been enforced by the police in the affected area.

Eyewitnesses in Medak claim that the trouble began when a group of Sangh Parivar workers arrived at an open field in front of the Minhaj-ul-Uloom Madarsa, where the cattle were being brought for sacrifice. The mob sparked controversy over the slaughtering of the animals and proceeded to physically assault Muslim representatives, including members of the Madrasa management.

Furthermore, the Hindu mob reportedly attacked members of the Madrasa committee at a local police station while they were trying to file a complaint against their assailants. Subsequently, the group followed the victims to a nearby hospital, where they continued their violent behavior. Muslim-owned businesses were targeted, with shops forcibly closed and properties damaged. Some Medak locals, speaking anonymously, criticized the police for allegedly failing to intervene effectively during the attacks.

The situation in Medak serves as a grim reminder of the religious tensions that continue to plague certain communities. Authorities are under pressure to restore peace and ensure the safety of all residents in the town. Efforts to promote harmony and coexistence between religious groups are crucial in preventing such incidents from reoccurring in the future.