Hoax: School Active Shooter Threat Deemed False Alarm by Authorities

ORLANDO, Fla. – Law enforcement officials have announced that the reported active shooter threat at a local school has been deemed a hoax.

The incident, which caused panic and fear among staff and students, was thoroughly investigated and determined to be a false alarm. The authorities take these threats very seriously and reacted swiftly to ensure the safety of everyone at the school.

According to the police department, the hoax threat was made through a phone call and prompted a lockdown at the school. After conducting a thorough search of the premises, law enforcement officials confirmed that there was no shooter on the premises.

The school administration and the authorities are now working together to identify the source of the hoax call and take appropriate action. They are reminding the public that these types of threats are criminal offenses and will be dealt with accordingly.

It is important for the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the authorities. Hoax threats not only cause unnecessary panic and disruption but also divert valuable law enforcement resources away from real emergencies.

The school has resumed normal activities, and students and staff are receiving support and counseling to help them cope with the traumatic experience. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of taking all threats seriously and working together to ensure the safety of our schools and communities.