Indicted Suspect Livestreams Violent Attack on DCS Worker, Sparking $100,000 Claim Against Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona – A violent attack in a Department of Child Safety (DCS) office was live-streamed on Facebook by the suspect, leading to a $100,000 notice of claim filed against the State of Arizona. Deandre Terrell Johnson has been indicted for attempted first-degree murder after viciously assaulting a DCS employee.

The incident, which took place in a Mesa building shared by DCS and another organization, was witnessed by a woman who promptly called 911 to report the attack. The attacker, Johnson, had an open case with DCS concerning his children and streamed his meeting with a DCS case worker on social media. Following the meeting, he proceeded to physically assault the case worker in the lobby.

During the attack, which lasted several minutes, other employees in the building, including the woman who filed the notice of claim, witnessed the violent altercation. The lack of security personnel in the DCS office or building at the time of the incident raised concerns about the safety of employees and individuals visiting the location.

Alison Briggs, the woman’s attorney and a former DCS worker, highlighted the importance of ensuring the safety of employees and visitors in such situations. The removal of security guards from DCS buildings due to budget cuts has sparked further discussions about the level of protection provided in these environments. Briggs emphasized the need for adequate measures to safeguard individuals in potentially dangerous scenarios.

After fleeing the scene, Johnson was later apprehended by Mesa PD and now faces a multitude of charges, including attempted first-degree murder. The attack has left the victim with lasting mental and emotional injuries, impacting both her professional and personal life. Despite the filing of the notice of claim, responses from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and DCS regarding the incident have been limited.

As the legal proceedings unfold, Briggs stands firm in her commitment to seeking justice for her client and advocating for improved safety measures within DCS offices. The incident has reignited discussions about the need for enhanced security protocols to protect employees and individuals interacting with DCS services in Arizona.