Iranian Prince Reza Pahlavi Urges UK Government to Take Action Against Assault on Dissidents

London, UK – Exiled Iranian Prince Reza Pahlavi, joined by other prominent opposition figures, has strongly denounced the recent violent assault on dissident protesters by supporters of the Islamic Republic. The incident, which occurred during a memorial ceremony at the Dewan Al-Kafeel Community Center in Wembley, has sparked outrage within the Iranian diaspora community in the UK.

Prince Reza Pahlavi has called for swift action from the UK government, demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the attack. Emphasizing the need to send a clear message to the Islamic Republic, Pahlavi stated that intimidation, violence, and threats will not be tolerated.

In the wake of the assault, leading Iranian political activist Masih Alinejad took to social media to condemn the violence and urge for unity among Iranians. Alinejad highlighted the urgency of the situation, calling on British authorities to take decisive action to address the aggression displayed by regime loyalists.

British citizen and human rights advocate Nazanin Boniadi also expressed shock and horror at the brutal attack on Iranian dissidents. Boniadi called on the Metropolitan police to swiftly investigate the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice, emphasizing the need for accountability in the face of such violence.

The assault on Iranian dissidents in London has underscored the ongoing tensions within the Iranian diaspora community, as supporters and opponents of the Islamic Republic clash on foreign soil. Calls for solidarity and justice have echoed within the community, with many urging for a firm response from British authorities to ensure the safety and protection of all individuals involved.

As the Iranian diaspora grapples with the aftermath of the violent attack, the need for support and action from the UK government remains paramount. The incident has reignited discussions around the safety and security of dissident voices within the Iranian community abroad, prompting renewed calls for accountability and justice in the face of such aggression.