Jailed: DNA Identifies Known Offender in Barking Rape and Strangulation Case

London, England – A man in Barking has been sentenced to ten years in prison for raping and strangling a woman in an alleyway behind a row of shops. Using DNA evidence, Daniel Jordan, 28, was identified as the perpetrator of this violent and sustained attack. The victim, who received support from a team specializing in investigating sexual offenses, bravely reported the crime to the police.

The violent assault took place in October 2022, leaving the woman in need of immediate medical attention. The police responded swiftly to the incident, ensuring the victim’s safety and securing crucial evidence for the case. Detective Sergeant Charlie Yexley from the Met Police’s east London office, who specializes in investigating sexual offenses, commended the victim for her courage and resilience throughout the trial.

The victim recounted a harrowing experience of being physically and sexually assaulted by a man in an alleyway on Longbridge Road. She described how the assailant strangled her, causing her to lose consciousness during the brutal attack. The swift actions of the officers led to the arrest of Jordan at his home seven days after the assault, resulting in his subsequent imprisonment.

On March 15, Jordan was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court to ten years in prison with an extended license period of five years. Additionally, he was given a 30-month sentence for non-fatal strangulation and assault. Both sentences will be served concurrently, and Jordan will be placed on the sex offenders’ register for life. The victim continues to receive support from a specialized team in investigating sexual offenses.

The case serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of promptly reporting crimes and seeking justice for survivors of sexual assault. By holding perpetrators accountable for their actions, the legal system aims to provide closure and support to those affected by such heinous acts. The community stands united in condemning violence and supporting victims as they navigate the challenging journey towards healing and justice.