Jewelry collector Sarah Alden tragically dies in violent attack: Remembered for love of vintage pieces and legacy of organ donation

Los Angeles, California – The community of vintage jewelry enthusiasts mourns the loss of Sarah Alden, a beloved collector and seller from Venice Beach. Alden, known for her keen eye in curating vintage pieces, tragically passed away at the age of 53 on May 24th, following a brutal attack near the Venice Canals that left her brain dead.

Alden, who had recently made plans to begin a new chapter of her life in Venice Beach after moving from Massachusetts, was a dedicated mother to two sons. Her sudden and violent death has deeply impacted her family and friends, who were eagerly waiting to celebrate her new lease and exciting prospects at a brunch gathering.

A GoFundMe campaign was launched by a close friend of Alden’s to support her family with memorial, funeral, and medical expenses, as well as provide for her sons’ college education. The fundraising efforts have garnered nearly $50,000 in donations, aiming to reach a goal of $150,000.

In a gesture of kindness and love, Alden’s sons decided to donate her organs so that others may have a chance at life. Through this selfless act, her spirit and legacy will continue to live on in those who receive her gift of life.

Alden will always be remembered for her appreciation of nature’s beauty, from east coast sunrises to west coast sunsets. She was passionate about vintage jewelry and shared her expertise with a dedicated community of colleagues and friends in the industry.

Tributes from industry peers poured in on social media platforms, honoring Alden’s memory and the impact she had on those around her. The alleged attacker, Anthony Francisco Jones, has been charged with murder in connection to the violent incident that took Alden’s life, as well as another attack on Mary Klein, who survived. The community continues to rally around Klein with a successful GoFundMe campaign to support her recovery.

As the investigation unfolds, authorities are working diligently to ensure justice is served for both victims of these senseless crimes. Alden’s legacy will be celebrated with a memorial on June 13th at the Venice Canals, where friends, family, and supporters will gather to honor her life and the impact she had on those around her.