Lawsuit: Uvalde Victims’ Families Target Daniel Defense, Activision, and Meta for Marketing AR-15 to Teens

Uvalde, Texas – Families affected by the tragic shooting incident in Uvalde, Texas, have taken legal action against Daniel Defense, Activision, and Meta, claiming that these companies had a role in promoting the AR-15 assault rifle used in the shooting. The lawsuit alleges that the companies collaborated to target underage boys through video games and social media, leading to the tragic events that occurred two years ago.

According to the lawsuit filed on Friday, the shooter, Salvador Ramos, who was 18 years old at the time of the shooting, purchased the DDM4V7 rifle just a week before the incident. The families’ attorney, Josh Koskoff, stated that Ramos had been exposed to the weapon through a version of a video game and Instagram posts about firearms.

The lawsuit further claims that the “Call of Duty” video game franchise, published by Activision, features realistic depictions of gun violence, with weapons designed to closely resemble real-life firearms. Additionally, the suit alleges that Instagram allowed the promotion of assault weapons to teenagers, contributing to the shooter’s actions.

In response to the lawsuit, Activision expressed condolences to the families affected by the tragedy but emphasized that many people worldwide enjoy video games without resorting to violence. The families’ legal team also highlighted that the shooter had been actively engaging with firearms-related content on social media and gaming platforms leading up to the incident.

The lawsuit points out that the shooter had been playing a mobile version of “Call of Duty” since the age of 15 and had been researching firearms and visiting weapon manufacturers’ websites. The families argue that the shooter was influenced by aggressive marketing tactics on Instagram and ultimately purchased the firearm used in the shooting.

As the legal proceedings continue, families of the victims in Uvalde have reached a settlement with the city, receiving financial compensation and agreements for improvements within the community. Efforts to hold accountable other parties involved in the incident, including law enforcement and the school district, are also underway as the families seek justice and closure.

Overall, the lawsuit and ongoing legal actions reflect the families’ determination to seek accountability and address the factors that contributed to the tragic events in Uvalde two years ago. The case serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding gun violence and the responsibilities of companies in promoting firearms through various platforms.