Maine Mass Shooter’s Suicide Note Revealed in 3,000 File Release

Lewiston, Maine – Details of the deadliest mass shooting in Maine’s history have been exposed with the release of 3,000 files detailing the tragic event. Robert Card, the gunman, killed 18 people and injured 13 others during a rampage at a Lewiston bowling alley and bar in October of the previous year. Following the attack, a massive manhunt was initiated for Card, who was discovered dead in a trailer just two days later.

Among the released documents was Card’s final handwritten note, providing a glimpse into his troubled state of mind. In his note, Card expressed his frustrations, stating, “Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story,” revealing his desire to spend time with his girlfriend in peace.

The documents also shed light on the events leading up to the shooting, including the fact that Card had recently been dumped by his partner, who was supposed to be at the bowling alley during the attack. Law enforcement profiles indicated that she could have been a potential victim if present during the time of the shooting.

Law enforcement officers involved in the pursuit of Card described harrowing scenes at the bowling alley, where dying victims begged for help as the officers were compelled to continue their search for the suspect. The aftermath of the attack was described as chaotic, with blood and flesh scattered throughout the business.

The magnitude of the law enforcement response was significant, with 16 SWAT teams and officers from 14 different agencies, as well as helicopters, airplanes, and an underwater recovery team, all involved in the search for Card. The extensive manhunt was the largest many of the officers had ever been a part of in their careers.

In the days leading up to the shooting, reports indicated that Card had been acting increasingly erratically, with concerns raised by those around him. Despite attempts to intervene, including police visits to his home, the state’s “yellow flag” laws, which would have enabled officers to remove guns from vulnerable individuals, were not enacted.

As the investigation unfolded, authorities also had to contend with false leads and pranksters hindering their progress, demonstrating the challenges faced in the aftermath of such a tragic event. The release of the documents has provided further insight into the chilling events that unfolded during Maine’s deadliest mass shooting.