Officers Call Out Trump at Press Conference to Protect Democracy

MADISON, WISCONSIN – Two police officers who bravely defended the U.S. Capitol during the violent attack on January 6, 2021, made a powerful statement on Thursday urging voters not to support Donald Trump’s return to the White House in November. Daniel Hodges, a D.C. police officer, emphasized that Trump continues to promote political violence and has not taken back any statements that incited the insurrection.

Speaking at a press conference organized by the campaign to re-elect President Joe Biden, Hodges stood on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol surrounded by Democratic activists and state lawmakers. He declared that Trump’s rhetoric and actions are incompatible with being pro-law enforcement, especially when he emphasizes pardons for violent rioters.

Wisconsin Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski, who introduced Hodges, condemned the attack on the Capitol as un-American and an assault on democracy. She criticized Trump for perpetuating lies about winning the 2020 election and highlighted the role of fake electors in attempting to overturn Biden’s victory.

The officers’ appearance in Madison was part of a series of press conferences in multiple cities, with Milwaukee and Eau Claire next on the schedule. Harry Dunn, the other officer present, reflected on the events of January 6, describing how the Capitol rioters aimed to disrupt the election certification. Despite the chaos of that day, Dunn expressed pride in the officers’ actions and the eventual certification of the election.

Both officers expressed concern about the lack of accountability at higher levels for the events of January 6. They highlighted the reluctance of some individuals to accept the truth, attributing this to misinformation, propaganda, and the influence of misleading leaders. Dunn also called out politicians who initially criticized Trump but have since supported him.

In concluding their remarks, the officers emphasized the importance of providing clarity and truth about the events of January 6. They highlighted the need for awareness and understanding among the public to prevent a repeat of such violence. As they continue to push back against misinformation and denial, the officers underscored the critical role of honesty and accountability in safeguarding democracy.

Overall, their message resonated with the urgency of addressing the legacy of January 6 and the broader implications for the future of American democracy.