Orpheus Pledger Admits Violent Attack in Melbourne’s Northern Suburbs

Melbourne, Australia – Former Home and Away actor Orpheus Pledger has confessed to a violent assault on a woman in Melbourne’s northern suburbs earlier this year. The 31-year-old attended a hearing at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court via video-link from custody, following a bail breach in April.

According to court proceedings, the victim sought police assistance in the early hours of March 25, believing Pledger was experiencing a mental health crisis. The victim, whose identity remains protected under the law, made a distress call to emergency services before the line abruptly disconnected. When authorities arrived at the scene 15 minutes later, they found the victim incapacitated on the floor with injuries, including bruises, lacerations, and signs of strangulation. The victim was hospitalized for observation overnight.

Pledger was initially granted bail on the condition of undergoing a mental health evaluation at Royal Melbourne Hospital. However, due to resource constraints, including a shortage of police and ambulance officers, there was a nearly 24-hour delay in the assessment. This delay led to Pledger leaving the hospital, prompting an arrest warrant.

The court revealed that Pledger’s bail was granted on April 22, but he was not transported to the hospital until the following morning. Magistrate Justin Foster criticized the shortage of resources, calling it “outrageous.” The defense argued that the lack of available mental health facilities contributed to the delay in assessment.

Best known for his role in Home and Away, Pledger’s mental health reportedly declined after a setback in his career. His lawyer indicated that missing out on a role in a U.S. show triggered a series of events that led to recreational drug use, contributing to his actions. The court heard that Pledger had previously assaulted the victim, who had refrained from reporting the incidents due to concerns about his mental well-being.

Pledger is set to appear in court for sentencing on July 3 on charges related to assault and causing injury. The case has shed light on challenges faced by individuals in accessing mental health support and the criminal justice system’s handling of such cases.