Pakistan’s Christians Rescued After Violent Mob Attack in Sargodha District

Sargodha, Pakistan – A radical Muslim mob attacked minority Christian settlements in Sargodha, Pakistan, prompting the rescue of at least five community members. The incident unfolded amid accusations of blasphemy leveled against the Christian residents by an angry crowd.

The violence saw stones and bricks hurled not only at the targeted Christian group but also at law enforcement officers who intervened to restore order. Police Chief Shariq Kamal confirmed that five Christians sustained injuries in the attack and were swiftly taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. Police presence was significantly increased in the area, with the crowd eventually being dispersed.

The situation escalated further as the mob proceeded to set ablaze at least one house and a small shoe factory. The unrest stemmed from allegations by neighbors that a member of the Christian community had desecrated the Quran, the Muslim holy book. Amid the chaos, looting and destruction ensued, prompting condemnation from the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

Heightened tensions surrounding blasphemy accusations in Pakistan have historically led to violent mob behavior, with the act itself carrying severe penalties, including death. Fortunately, in this instance, the accused individual is alive and receiving medical attention following the ordeal.

Authorities moved swiftly to detain 25 individuals involved in the mob violence, with additional police reinforcements deployed to ensure the safety of all residents. While several police officers sustained injuries during the confrontation, no loss of life was reported thanks to the decisive actions of law enforcement in rescuing the targeted families.

Efforts are now underway to conduct a transparent investigation into the incident, with reassurances from Divisional Commissioner Muhammad Ajmal Bhatti of a thorough inquiry. The city remains calm and under control as authorities work to prevent further escalation of tensions in the region.