Panic Buttons Revolutionizing Safety for NYC Bodega Workers

New York City – In response to a surge in violent attacks targeting bodega owners and workers in New York City, several bodegas are taking proactive steps to enhance safety measures. A pilot program has been launched to install panic buttons in these establishments, aiming to provide a sense of security amid rising concerns.

Fernando Mateo, a spokesman for United Bodegas of America, announced the initiative, highlighting the urgent need for improved safety measures in bodegas across the city. The advocacy group partnered with the security company Safer Watch to implement panic button systems in four bodegas located in areas identified as high-crime areas.

These panic buttons are specifically designed to alert the NYPD and nearby businesses in real-time when a threatening situation arises. Geno Roefaro, the owner of the security firm based in Florida, emphasized the life-saving potential of these technologies, citing numerous instances where they have prevented further harm.

Recent violent incidents at bodegas have underscored the necessity of such security measures. In one instance, a bodega clerk and mother of three sustained severe facial injuries after a sledgehammer attack in the Bronx. Another bodega worker was stabbed multiple times in the chest just days later, highlighting the vulnerability faced by those working in these establishments.

Councilmember Oswald Feliz of NYC’s 15th district is advocating for a substantial investment in the panic button program, proposing $15 million to support the initiative. This financial commitment aims to send a clear message that violence and crime in bodegas will not be tolerated, holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The implementation of panic buttons represents a crucial step towards ensuring the safety of bodega owners and employees in the face of escalating threats. By leveraging technology and community support, these initiatives seek to provide a secure environment for individuals working in these vulnerable settings. As concerns about safety continue to grow, proactive measures like panic buttons offer a promising solution to address the unique challenges faced by bodegas in urban environments.