Philadelphia Woman Faces Multiple Charges After Violent Incident at Wildwood Crest Motel Pool

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – A woman in Philadelphia is facing multiple charges following an incident at a Wildwood Crest motel pool. The woman, identified as 43-year-old Fallan Turner, allegedly attacked a 10-year-old boy and his father before biting an officer during her arrest.

Wildwood Crest Police Department responded to a reported fight at a motel along Ocean Ave. Witnesses reported that Turner, described as highly intoxicated, was behaving erratically in the pool. Turner reportedly grabbed the young boy, swinging him around and dunking him underwater. When the boy’s father intervened, Turner allegedly jumped on his back and engaged in inappropriate actions.

Upon being approached by officers, Turner became confrontational and was ultimately placed under arrest for her behavior. While being handcuffed, she resisted and pushed an officer. Even during processing at the police headquarters, Turner continued to display combative and uncooperative behavior towards law enforcement, even resorting to biting an officer’s hand.

As a result of the incident, Turner faces charges including endangering the welfare of children, aggravated assault on law enforcement, resisting arrest with force, criminal sexual contact, failure to comply with fingerprinting, harassment, and disorderly conduct. The altercation at the motel pool underscores the importance of maintaining control in public spaces to ensure the safety of all individuals present.

Authorities are reminding the public to exercise restraint and respect towards others, especially in crowded or shared areas like public pools. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of escalating conflicts in public places and the importance of de-escalation tactics in maintaining order. Turner’s actions have prompted a swift response from law enforcement, highlighting the zero-tolerance approach towards violent or disruptive behavior in public settings.