Prison Safety Crisis: Rapid Increase in Assaults on Staff at New York State Prisons

JAMESTOWN, NY – A disturbing incident at the Collins Correctional Facility has sparked outrage, with reports of a correctional officer having part of his finger bitten off by a violent inmate. Senator George Borrello has condemned the attack, calling New York State prisons a “house of horrors” due to what he perceives as lenient policies towards criminals in the state.

The attack, which occurred in a single day at Collins last week, involved an inmate becoming violent after being asked to return to his cell following a routine contraband search. In addition to biting off part of a correctional officer’s finger, the inmate also assaulted several other officers, leading to injuries for a total of seven officers. Subsequent assaults by different inmates on the same day brought the total number of injured officers to nine.

The union representing correctional officers has reported a concerning trend, with over 1000 assaults on staff recorded in the first six months of 2024. They warn that if the current rate continues, assaults on staff could see a 30% increase compared to the previous year. Senator Borrello has criticized Governor and Democratic leadership for what he perceives as a lack of action to address the safety crisis in New York’s prisons, holding them accountable for the injuries sustained by prison staff.

The ongoing safety crisis in New York’s prisons has raised questions about the effectiveness of current policies and the duty of the state to protect its prison employees. The rise in assaults on staff highlights the challenges faced by correctional officers in maintaining order and safety in a demanding environment. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach that prioritizes the well-being and safety of those working in correctional facilities.

Senator Borrello’s strong stance against the criminal behavior exhibited by inmates and his calls for accountability from state leaders underscore the gravity of the situation at Collins Correctional Facility. The need for immediate action to ensure the safety of correctional officers and address the underlying issues contributing to violence in prisons is paramount. As debates over reforms and policies continue, the well-being of prison staff remains a significant concern that cannot be ignored.