Prisoner at HMP Winchester Sentenced to 12 Years for Boiling Water Attack and Rape

SALISBURY, England – A prisoner at HMP Winchester has been sentenced to 12 years in jail for a brutal attack on a fellow inmate. The assailant, Robert Reynolds, poured boiling water over the victim before proceeding to physically assault and rape him in July 2021. The victim, in his 20s at the time, suffered burns to his back and face from the scalding water and was further harmed by the subsequent beating and rape.

The victim initially received medical treatment at the prison before being transferred to a specialized burns unit at a hospital. Despite the ordeal, he had the courage to report the incident, leading to a police investigation and a subsequent trial.

Reynolds, who is currently incarcerated at HMP Bullingdon, was found guilty of grievous bodily harm, two counts of rape, and a sexual assault following a five-day trial. The police described the victim as “vulnerable” and stated that he continues to suffer from both physical and psychological effects of the attack. Detective Sergeant Harry Wilson emphasized the severity of the assault and assured the public that law enforcement will diligently investigate criminal offenses that occur within the prison system.

The sentencing of Reynolds highlights the vulnerability of inmates within the prison system and the importance of addressing safety and security within correctional facilities. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by vulnerable individuals in such environments and the vigilance required to ensure their safety and well-being. The collaboration between law enforcement and prison authorities in investigating and prosecuting such crimes is crucial for upholding justice within the prison system.