Reservist’s Low Threat Profile Highlighted in Maine Mass Shooting Investigation

Portland, Maine – An Army Reserve lieutenant colonel testified on Monday about the case of a reservist involved in the deadliest mass shooting in Maine. Lt. Col. Ryan Vazquez informed an investigatory panel that the reservist had a low threat profile when he left a psychiatric hospital before the tragic incident.

Vazquez revealed limitations on enforcing a mental treatment plan for the gunman, Robert Card, during civilian life. He explained that there was no protocol for the Army Reserves to confiscate Card’s civilian weapons, creating challenges in ensuring public safety.

During the hearing, Vazquez shared insights into what Army officials knew about Card before the shooting that claimed 18 lives in Lewiston. Other reservists had expressed concerns about Card’s declining mental health, with one even warning superiors about a potential mass shooting months before the tragic event.

Despite indications of Card’s threats and deteriorating mental state, Vazquez admitted to facing restrictions in addressing the situation due to Card’s civilian status. He emphasized the difficulties in predicting and managing individuals with mental health challenges, expressing limitations in his authority in such cases.

The commission, established by Democratic Gov. Janet Mills, has been conducting public sessions to gather information from various parties involved in the incident. An interim report released earlier highlighted missed opportunities for intervention that could have prevented the mass shooting.

The commission members acknowledged the challenges faced by Card’s Army superiors in dealing with the reservist’s mental health issues and potential risks. The investigation into the shootings involves multiple agencies, including the Army Reserves and the Army Inspector General, with reports expected to be released in the coming months.

Amid discussions on the limitations in healthcare coverage for reservists compared to full-time soldiers, the commission is preparing to release a comprehensive report on the Lewiston shootings. As the community seeks answers and accountability, the findings of these investigations will shed light on the circumstances leading to this tragic event.