Schizophrenic Attacker Could be Freed: Caught on Tape Brutally Assaulting Mother

Mildura, Victoria, Australia – A diagnosed schizophrenic who launched a brutal attack on a mother during a drug and alcohol-fueled episode could soon be released back into the community. Jahvid Gadd, 32, recently pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including assault and discharging missiles, in Mildura Magistrates Court.

The court was shown harrowing CCTV footage of Gadd violently attacking the mother after she informed him that her children were asleep. The video depicted him punching her, throwing her to the ground, and kicking her mercilessly. Gadd has been sentenced to four months in prison, with a release date anticipated in October after factoring in time already served in remand.

Following the attack, Gadd returned to the victim’s home the next day and was witnessed throwing rocks at her by a local resident who promptly reported the incident to the authorities. This led to a two-week search after Gadd fled to Adelaide, violating a previous sex offenders register order from 2012. He was eventually apprehended in Adelaide and extradited back to Victoria.

During questioning, Gadd claimed no memory of the assaults, attributing his actions to a lack of sleep over four days, combined with heavy drinking and drug use due to mental health struggles. Despite expressing remorse when shown the CCTV footage, Gadd denied the subsequent incident involving rock-throwing. Magistrate Patrick Southey expressed shock at the video evidence, noting the severity of the attack and its impact on the victim.

Prosecutor Matt Pardon highlighted the dangerous nature of the assault, particularly emphasizing a kick that narrowly missed the victim’s head. Magistrate Southey ultimately deemed Gadd unsuitable for a community corrections order, opting instead to sentence him to a period of incarceration. He emphasized that Gadd’s guilty plea played a significant role in reducing his sentence, which would have been longer if not for the admission of guilt.