Sentenced: Man Who Attacked Pelosi’s Husband Gets 30 Years, Prosecutors Challenge Sentence

San Francisco, California – A man was sentenced to 30 years in prison for breaking into the home of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and attacking her husband with a hammer. David DePape, 44, was found guilty of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on a family member. Prosecutors had sought a 40-year sentence, but the judge imposed the maximum penalty.

The court later received a motion from the prosecutors, stating that DePape was not given the opportunity to speak before being sentenced, as required by federal rule. They requested the court to reopen the sentencing portion to allow DePape that opportunity. The judge has yet to respond to the motion.

DePape’s attack on Paul Pelosi, who was 82 at the time, left him with severe injuries, including a skull fracture that required plates and screws for treatment, as well as injuries to his hand and arm. The violent incident occurred just days before the 2022 midterm elections, sending shockwaves through the political community.

During the sentencing, DePape’s defense argued for a shorter prison term, citing his mental health issues and lack of criminal history. They claimed that DePape’s actions were motivated by his political beliefs rather than intent to interfere with Pelosi’s official duties. Despite these arguments, the judge imposed the maximum sentence on both counts.

In a statement read by Pelosi’s daughter Christine, the Pelosi family described the lingering impact of the attack on their lives. Both Nancy and Paul Pelosi expressed continued fear and trauma from the violent intrusion in their home. DePape, during trial testimony, admitted to planning the attack as a response to what he perceived as government corruption.

While the defense contended that DePape’s actions were a result of conspiracy theories and political beliefs, the prosecution highlighted the severity of the attack and its implications on future public officials’ safety. DePape will also face charges in state court for additional felonies, including assault with a deadly weapon and residential burglary.

The sentencing of DePape sheds light on the ongoing threats faced by public officials and the importance of ensuring their safety in a volatile political climate. The repercussions of such violent acts extend beyond the immediate victims to a broader concern for the security and well-being of those in positions of leadership.