Social Media Alleges Attack by Migrants on Bulgarian Youths in Sofia

Sofia, Bulgaria – A viral post on social media has sparked controversy over an alleged altercation involving a group of young boys and a girl in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria. The video accompanying the post claims that a group of 11 individuals of Arab descent assaulted the youths on Vitosha Boulevard in Sofia just hours before International Women’s Day on March 8.

Despite the attention the post has garnered online, Sofia Police have stated that they have not received any reports or signals related to the incident. Deyan Nikolov, a municipal councilor from the right-wing party Revival – “Vazrazhdane,” brought attention to the issue during a briefing, stating that the children involved were between the ages of 12 and 14, with the assailants described as migrants. Allegedly, a girl was attacked and insulted by migrants, leading three boys to intervene in her defense.

Krystian Szkwarek, a historian and political scientist, expressed concerns on Facebook, drawing parallels to incidents in other European cities. He raised alarm over the emergence of what he described as an Afghan ghetto around the “Women’s Market” in Sofia and criticized the government for allowing such developments.

Similarly, Carlos Contrera, a member of the right-wing party VMRO-BND, voiced concerns about the reported attack and questioned the response of Sofia Police and the municipality. He called for transparency regarding the incident and the detention of the alleged aggressors.

The incident has stirred debate among citizens and political figures in Sofia, with calls for action and accountability. The growing tensions surrounding migrant populations in the city have highlighted broader issues around integration and community relations.

As authorities in Sofia navigate the aftermath of the alleged altercation, residents and officials alike are urging for transparency, dialogue, and concrete steps to address the concerns raised by the incident. The incident underscores the complexities of multiculturalism and the challenges of fostering inclusivity and harmony in diverse urban environments.