Splash Pad Shooter Injures Nine in Detroit Suburb Attack

ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich. – A peaceful summer day turned into a scene of tragedy as a shooter unleashed gunfire at a splash pad in this Detroit suburb, leaving nine people injured, including two young children and their mother. Law enforcement later found the suspect dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at a nearby residence.

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard revealed during a news conference that an 8-year-old boy was critically wounded, with a gunshot to the head. The boy’s mother was also in critical condition with injuries to her abdomen and leg, while his 4-year-old brother sustained a leg wound but was in stable condition. Initially, authorities believed up to 10 individuals had gunshot wounds, but this number was later revised after confirming with area hospitals.

The shooting occurred in the early evening at a city park with a recreation area that features a splash pad, a popular spot for families seeking relief from the summer heat. Police indicated that the assailant’s actions seemed random, as he drove to the park, approached the splash pad, and fired dozens of shots, reloading multiple times during the attack.

Eyewitnesses described a chaotic scene, with people falling and trying to flee as the shooter calmly walked back to his car. Quick response from law enforcement prevented further harm, with an officer on the scene within minutes of the 911 call. Deputies applied first aid on-site, using tourniquets to stabilize the injured.

As the authorities identified the suspect’s residence and made contact, they found him deceased inside. The investigation continues to uncover the motive behind the shooting, with the perpetrator’s identity and reasons for choosing the splash pad still unknown.

In the aftermath, a handgun, magazines, and shell casings were recovered at the splash pad, while a semiautomatic rifle and another handgun were found at the suspect’s home. The tragic incident left the community shaken, as they come to terms with yet another senseless act of violence on their doorstep.

Local officials have made counseling services available for those affected by the shooting, recognizing the deep impact such events can have on families and the community. This heartbreaking event serves as a stark reminder of the fragile nature of life and the need for continued vigilance against such acts of violence.