Stabbing, Strangling, and Rampaging: Violent Drunk Sentenced for Horrific Crimes in Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury, England – A man with no fixed abode was sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court for a series of violent offenses that shocked the community. Richard Forbes, 49, faced charges related to incidents that took place on July 28, 2023, and June 29, 2024, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The first incident occurred at the Tumbledown Hotel near Shrewsbury railway station, where Forbes attacked several individuals. He began by pushing a woman at the bar, escalating to assaulting multiple individuals. One man ended up with a broken leg as a result of Forbes’ violent outburst. After leaving the pub, Forbes returned and threw a beer bottle at a barmaid who was attempting to contact the authorities.

In a separate incident on June 29, 2024, Forbes took his aggression out on his landlady. The terrifying attack not only targeted the landlady but also her beloved Pomeranian dog, Comet. Forbes attempted to strangle the landlady before turning his attention to the defenseless dog, stabbing Comet twice with a kitchen knife and ultimately causing the animal’s death.

Following these horrific incidents, Forbes was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison by Judge Richard McConaghy KC. The judge also imposed a 30-year ban on owning animals, a 10-year restraining order against the landlady, and a six-year driving disqualification on Forbes. Detective Constable Geoff Anslow from Shrewsbury CID described the offenses as “wicked beyond belief,” emphasizing the devastating impact on the victims.

The sentencing was met with approval, as justice was seen to be served for the victims, particularly Comet, whom the landlady described as “the sweetest little dog in the whole world.” The community breathed a sigh of relief as Forbes was held accountable for his heinous actions, bringing a sense of closure to those affected by his cruelty.