Synagogue in Vancouver Targeted in Apparent Arson Attack

Vancouver, Canada – Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt recounted a terrifying incident that occurred at Vancouver’s Schara Tzedeck synagogue after Thursday night services. Members inside the synagogue heard a loud noise, only to be alerted by a passerby that their building was on fire. While one member managed to extinguish the flames that had reached up towards the second story, police are now investigating the incident as arson and a possible hate crime.

The Vancouver Police Department has confirmed that the fire was intentionally set using an accelerant, prompting them to deploy additional officers to Jewish community centers, schools, and religious institutions. The Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver described the incident as a “deliberate act of hate” aimed at intimidating the Jewish community, but they remain resolute in refusing to be intimidated or to hide.

Despite minor damage to the synagogue, no injuries were reported, and the building was deemed safe after a thorough search by police and a fire inspector. However, Rabbi Rosenblatt expressed concern over what he perceives as a growing tolerance for acts of hatred against the Jewish community in Canada.

Canadian officials, including British Columbia Premier David Eby and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have strongly condemned the attack, labeling it as an act of antisemitism. Trudeau emphasized on social media that the incident does not reflect the inclusive and compassionate Canada they aspire to be.

The attack on the synagogue comes in the wake of similar incidents at Jewish schools in Montreal and Toronto, prompting calls for increased vigilance and security measures to safeguard the Jewish community. Members of the Jewish community in Vancouver and beyond express deep concern over the escalating antisemitic violence and its potential implications for community safety and cohesion.

As authorities continue their investigation into the arson incident in Vancouver, political leaders, local officials, and advocacy groups are united in their unequivocal rejection of hate-driven violence. They call for strengthened measures to combat antisemitism and ensure the safety and well-being of all community members across the country.