Schizophrenic Attacker Could be Freed: Caught on Tape Brutally Assaulting Mother

Mildura, Victoria, Australia – A diagnosed schizophrenic who launched a brutal attack on a mother during a drug and alcohol-fueled episode could soon be released back into the community. Jahvid Gadd, 32, recently pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including assault and discharging missiles, in Mildura Magistrates Court. The court was shown harrowing CCTV footage of … Read more

Release: Man Accused of Attempted Murder in Poughkeepsie Attack Freed on Bail

Poughkeepsie, New York – In a violent attack captured on camera last summer, a man charged with attempted murder has been released on $1,350 bail following a recent appellate court decision. Rakim Paulin, 43, regained his freedom when the court ruled that the Dutchess County District Attorney’s Office had failed to prosecute the case within … Read more

Russian Pardoned Convicts Freed to Fight in Ukraine Cause Fear By Returning to Society

Volgograd, Russia – Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, convicts released from Russian prisons to join the fight and subsequently pardoned by President Putin include individuals with a history of serious violent crimes, such as serial killers and ritualistic murderers. Once released from their military service, these dangerous criminals are reintegrated into Russian society, causing … Read more