Instagram and Call of Duty Accused of Grooming Uvalde Gunman: Lawsuits Expose Shocking Allegations

UVALDE, Texas – Two lawsuits filed in California and Texas on the second anniversary of the 2022 Robb Elementary School massacre in Uvalde, Texas, allege that Instagram and Call of Duty played a significant role in “grooming” the 18-year-old gunman responsible for the tragic incident. The families of the 19 fourth-graders and two educators who … Read more

Grooming Allegations: Uvalde Families Accuse Instagram, ‘Call of Duty’ and Rifle Maker of Influence

Uvalde, Texas – Families in Uvalde, Texas are levying accusations against Instagram, ‘Call of Duty,’ and a rifle manufacturer, claiming that they played a role in influencing the gunman responsible for a recent tragic event. The families assert that these entities engaged in what they describe as “grooming” tactics towards the gunman, leading to the … Read more

Meta Faces Lawsuits Over Allegations of ‘Grooming’ Shooter in Uvalde

UVALDE, Texas – Families in Uvalde, Texas have filed a lawsuit against Meta, the publisher of Call of Duty, and a gun manufacturer. They claim that these entities played a role in “grooming” the shooter responsible for a tragic incident. The lawsuit specifically addresses concerns about the impact of video games and firearms on the … Read more

Instagram, Activision, and Gunmaker Sued by Texas School Shooting Victims’ Families for ‘Grooming’ Mass Shooter

Houston, Texas – Families of victims from a school shooting in Texas have filed lawsuits against Instagram, Activision, and a gunmaker, alleging that they played a role in “grooming” the mass shooter. The tragedy took place on [Provide the date or time frame of the incident]. The families claim that their loved ones were victims … Read more