Tennessee Judge Orders Court Appearance for Conservative Media Outlet Over Leaked Nashville School Shooting Details

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Legal battles over the release of documents related to the 2023 Nashville elementary school shooting have intensified, with attorneys pleading for a judge’s ruling amidst leaked records about the shooter. The case revolves around whether Tennessee’s public records law should allow access to investigative files and other records from the Covenant School … Read more

Leaked Documents Reveals Disturbing Details of Nashville School Shooter – Media Organization in Court

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A media organization faces a court hearing on Monday after publishing information from leaked documents regarding the individual responsible for a tragic incident at a Nashville elementary school in March 2023. The outlet is taking legal action to push for the release of these records to the public. The hearing, mandated by … Read more

Leaked Records Lawsuit Involving Nashville School Shooter Details Heads to Court

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A media organization is set to appear in court on Monday concerning the publication of leaked documents revealing details about the Nashville school shooter who tragically claimed the lives of six people. The outlet is currently locked in a legal battle to secure the release of these records to the public. The … Read more

Leaked Details of Nashville School Shooter Trial Spark Legal Battle in Court

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – A media organization is set to appear in court on Monday for publishing details from leaked documents concerning the shooter responsible for the tragic incident at a Nashville elementary school in March 2023. Amid the legal battle over the release of records to the public, Star News Digital Media and Editor-in-Chief Michael … Read more