Jewelry collector Sarah Alden tragically dies in violent attack: Remembered for love of vintage pieces and legacy of organ donation

Los Angeles, California – The community of vintage jewelry enthusiasts mourns the loss of Sarah Alden, a beloved collector and seller from Venice Beach. Alden, known for her keen eye in curating vintage pieces, tragically passed away at the age of 53 on May 24th, following a brutal attack near the Venice Canals that left … Read more

Nanaimo Man Murdered, Cut into 14 Pieces, and Scattered in City Parks: Murder Trial Underway

A Nanaimo man was brutally murdered in his apartment in 2020 and his remains were gruesomely scattered in two city parks, the B.C. Supreme Court has been told. Paris Laroche, 28, of Nanaimo, is currently on trial for first-degree murder and for interfering with human remains in the death of her boyfriend, Sidney Mantee, 32. … Read more