Man-animal Conflicts Turn Violent in Wayanad, Prompting Rahul Gandhi’s Urgent Visit

WAYANAD, KERALA – Following a series of violent clashes over man-animal conflicts in Wayanad, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has made his way back to his constituency after a district-wide strike turned hostile. The clashes were sparked by the death of a man at the hands of a wild elephant near Kuruva island, leading to widespread … Read more

Elephant Conflict Turns Violent in Wayanad, Prompts Rahul Gandhi’s Urgent Visit

WAYANAD, KERALA – Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has made a sudden departure to his Lok Sabha constituency in Wayanad, Kerala, following a district-wide strike organized by opposition parties in response to escalating man-animal conflicts in the region. The strike turned violent, prompting Gandhi’s urgent return to Wayanad from Varanasi, where he was on his ‘Bharat … Read more

Russian Federation Investigative Journalist and Human Rights Lawyer Brutally Attacked in Chechnya: Urgent Appeal for Action

Moscow, Russia – Two prominent activists, investigative journalist Elena Milashina and human rights lawyer Alexander Nemov, were brutally attacked by unidentified armed individuals in Chechnya. The attack occurred as they were traveling from the airport to Grozny, Chechnya. Milashina, known for her reporting on corruption and human rights violations in the North Caucasus and Chechnya, … Read more