Terrorist Attacks Dealt Significant Blow by Nigerian Armed Forces: Director

Abuja, Nigeria – The Director of Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, revealed in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja that recent military operations have dealt severe blows to terrorist leadership in Nigeria. By targeting key figures, diminishing resources, and weakening their influence, the military aims to cripple terrorist activities and ensure safety for the general population.

In response to the cowardly attacks on innocent citizens by terrorists, Buba emphasized the importance of seeing through their facade of strength. He highlighted that terrorists resort to violence to project power and instill fear, masking their vulnerability and decline.

The military is acutely aware of the terrorists’ desperate attempts to attract attention, recruit new members, and undermine support for security forces and the government. Buba urged citizens to unite, remain vigilant, and continue supporting the armed forces’ efforts to safeguard the nation’s future.

Recalling a series of reprehensible terror attacks in the Gworza Local Government Area of Borno, Buba detailed the coordinated assaults involving multiple suicide bombings on June 29. These attacks targeted both communities and troops enforcing curfews, resulting in 20 fatalities and 52 individuals sustaining various injuries.

Acknowledging every loss of life as a profound tragedy, Buba expressed condolences on behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Christopher Musa, and the entire armed forces. As the nation mourns the victims and supports those in need of healing and recovery, the military remains resolute in its mission to eliminate terrorism and secure peace for all.