Tragedy Strikes as Teen’s Life Cut Short by Senseless Shooting in St. Paul

St. Paul, Minnesota – A tragic incident unfolded in St. Paul, Minnesota, when Antwan Watson’s promising future was cut short at just 16 years old by J’veon Brown. Brown, also 16 at the time of the crime, fatally shot Watson four times on October 10, 2022, in an alley in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood. Shockingly, Brown then returned to his high school, where he callously reenacted the deadly encounter for other students.

In a courtroom scene filled with grief and sorrow, Assistant Ramsey County Attorney Madelyn Adams highlighted the devastating impact of Brown’s senseless actions. Despite his age at the time of the crime, Brown was tried as an adult, pleading guilty to second-degree unintentional murder during a robbery. The plea deal included a 10½-year prison sentence, with Brown given credit for time served and ordered to pay $20,000 in restitution to Watson’s family.

As the court proceedings unfolded, details of the gruesome incident emerged. School surveillance footage captured Brown reenacting the shooting at Johnson High School, shocking both students and staff. A witness to the crime revealed that Watson had been walking with Brown and another individual in the alley when Brown suddenly pulled out a gun and fired at Watson.

Brown initially denied involvement in the shooting, offering conflicting accounts to investigators. However, confronted with damning evidence, Brown eventually admitted to pulling the trigger. He claimed he believed Watson and the other individual were planning to rob him, a belief that led to the fatal confrontation.

Despite the tragic loss suffered by Watson’s family, Brown’s remorse seemed apparent during the presentence investigation. While it cannot change the past, Brown’s expressions of empathy and remorse offer a glimmer of hope for a future where he takes responsibility for his actions.

In a heartfelt gesture, Brown apologized to Watson’s family in court, expressing a desire to honor Watson’s memory through positive actions moving forward. As the families involved grapple with the profound impact of the tragedy, questions of why such a senseless act occurred linger, leaving a community mourning the loss of a promising young life.