Union Secretary Accuses PTD Members of Attempted Murder in Abuja Office Assault

Abuja, Nigeria – The Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) Secretary-General, Mr. Afolabi Olawale, has accused thirteen members of the Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) Branch of the union of attempting to kill him during an administrative assignment at the Abuja office. This accusation was made before the Federal Capital Territory High Court during a case regarding an alleged attempted murder of the National President of NUPENG, Williams Akporeha, and two others.

The case, filed in 2023, stems from the violence that erupted at NUPENG’s national headquarters in Abuja. A former National Chairman of the PTD Branch of NUPENG, Lucky Osesua, along with other leaders, were arraigned in 2023 for assault and attempted murder against the Union’s leadership, disrupting the peace and operations of the union.

According to the charges, the defendants laid siege at the Petroleum Tanker Drivers office in Abuja, targeting several union members, including Williams Akporeha and Afolabi Olawale. The defendants denied the charges, leading to the matter being adjourned for trial.

During the court proceedings, Olawale took the stand as a witness and recounted the events of the alleged assault. He described how he and other union members were besieged by the defendants, resulting in serious injuries that left him with a dislocated leg and other physical ailments. Despite losing consciousness during the incident, Olawale maintained that he did not lose his memory.

The witness’s statement on oath and medical reports were admitted as exhibits by the court. The trial was then scheduled to continue on October 10, 2024. It is important to note that the accused individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The case highlights the challenges faced by labor unions in Nigeria and the importance of upholding peace and order within such organizations. The outcome of the trial will not only impact the individuals involved but also set a precedent for labor relations in the country. The allegations of violence and attempted murder underscore the need for accountability and justice within the Nigerian labor sector.