Violence Against Politicians on the Rise: Threatening Trends in Europe and Beyond

Copenhagen, Denmark – Elected officials across Europe are facing a concerning rise in violent attacks from both the left and the right. The recent assault on Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, highlights the growing trend of personalized violence targeting politicians. Frederiksen, after surviving a physical assault on a Copenhagen street, expressed shock and fear, noting the escalating threats posed by social media, aggressive political discourse, and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

The attacks on politicians are not isolated incidents but rather part of a worrying pattern of rising violence in the lead-up to contentious elections in countries like France, the UK, and the US. Factors contributing to this phenomenon include anger towards ruling elites, polarizing rhetoric, anti-migrant sentiments, economic instability, and digital manipulation by hostile state actors. The indiscriminate nature of political violence underscores the threat faced by democracies worldwide.

In Slovakia, the hard-right populist prime minister, Robert Fico, survived a shooting last month, attributing the attack to his political views and blaming leftist opponents for inciting violence. Similarly, Germany has experienced a surge in far-right attacks, reminiscent of the Nazi era, with a significant increase in assaults on politicians and activists since the murder of centrist politician Walter Lübcke by a neo-Nazi in 2019.

The rise of extreme-right violence in France has raised concerns about the safety of politicians, including President Emmanuel Macron, who has faced physical assaults during previous campaigns. The atmosphere of political polarization and nationalism in the country poses significant risks to public figures, with experts warning of an increase in authoritarianism-related violence.

In the UK, memories of past extremist attacks on politicians like Labour MP Jo Cox and Conservative MP David Amess are still fresh, underscoring the heightened dangers faced by public figures. Female politicians, in particular, are at risk, with reports of death threats and physical assaults prompting concerns about inadequate security measures and the need for enhanced protection.

As the specter of political violence looms over democratic nations, the challenges of safeguarding public officials against verbal, virtual, and physical attacks remain a pressing issue. The potential resurgence of divisive figures like Donald Trump in the US poses a further threat to the stability and integrity of democratic institutions, highlighting the urgent need for robust defenses against political violence.

Overall, the growing trend of violent attacks on politicians underscores the fragility of democratic norms and the need for comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and security of elected officials in an increasingly volatile political landscape.