Violent Pistol Assault Plea Deal: Massachusetts Woman Sentenced to ROCA Probation

BENNINGTON, Vermont – A Massachusetts woman accused of a violent attack on a Bennington woman during a drug transaction in December 2022 has accepted a plea deal, resulting in a mostly suspended sentence. Hennessy Matos, 23 at the time of her arrest, was apprehended at her residence near Springfield, Massachusetts, in November 2023 and extradited to Vermont to face charges related to the incident.

Matos, facing a potential 36-year sentence if found guilty on all charges, opted to plead guilty to two felony counts as part of the plea agreement. The charges included aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and assault and robbery with a weapon. She was ultimately handed a combined five-to-six-year sentence, with most of it suspended, except for one year to be served. In addition, she was placed on a five-year probation and mandated to participate in the ROCA program, a community-based restorative justice initiative for at-risk individuals in the criminal justice system.

The victim, who reported the attack to the authorities in early December 2022, detailed the harrowing ordeal to the Bennington Police Department. The incident involved being assaulted with a pistol by two individuals, including Matos. Following the assault, the victim expressed fear of reprisal due to her involvement in a drug deal.

During the sentencing hearing, Matos expressed remorse for her actions, acknowledging the pain she had caused her family and emphasizing her commitment to moving forward positively. The judge, while acknowledging Matos’ reflections, also cautioned her about the consequences of any future infractions, stressing the importance of adhering to the terms of her probation to avoid further legal repercussions.

Matos’s sister, Cristal Matos, who was implicated in the incident, remains in custody in Massachusetts on separate charges. Once her legal proceedings in Massachusetts conclude, she is expected to be extradited to Vermont to face charges associated with the assault. The victim, having endured significant trauma as a result of the attack, has been seeking refuge with acquaintances out of fear of further harm from the Matos sisters.

In light of the plea deal and sentencing, Matos will serve her time and probation in Massachusetts, where she will participate in the ROCA program as part of her rehabilitation. The resolution of the case signifies a step towards closure for all parties involved, albeit with a reminder of the gravity of the consequences of criminal behavior. The proceedings serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers inherent in illicit drug activities and the need for accountability in the justice system.