Bowling Alley Reopens in Lewiston 6 Months After Deadly Shooting: A Symbol of Resilience and Community Strength

Lewiston, Maine – A community devastated by a mass shooting in October has taken a significant step towards healing as the bowling alley where the tragic event took place reopens its doors. Six months after the deadliest shooting in the state’s history, Just-In-Time Recreation, owned by Justin and Samantha Juray, resumed operations, welcoming the community with open arms.

The reopening ceremony on Friday was an emotional event, drawing in patrons like Colin, who was present at the bowling alley on the night of the shooting. Accompanied by his parents, Colin joined others in commemorating the lives lost and celebrating the resilience of Just-In-Time Recreation.

Despite the harrowing experience and lingering trauma, Samantha Juray, reflecting on the reopening, expressed a determination to move forward. The support of the Lewiston community played a pivotal role in their decision to reopen, as Justin Juray noted the overwhelming outpouring of support that encouraged them to take this important step.

The reopening marks a bittersweet moment for the community, as they remember the eight individuals who lost their lives at the bowling alley and honor them with photos displayed on-site. The venue was also equipped with new technological upgrades and services by the Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America to enhance the bowling experience for patrons.

Among those deeply impacted by the shooting was employee Tom Giberti, hailed as a hero for his actions in protecting several children during the attack. Despite sustaining serious injuries, Giberti has shown remarkable strength in his recovery and has returned to work, embodying the resilience and spirit of the community.

As the community gathers to support the reopening and pay tribute to the victims, the spirit of unity and strength shines through. The ribbon-cutting ceremony, attended by Lewiston Mayor Carl Sheline, serves as a symbol of resilience and defiance in the face of tragedy, with the community standing together as a beacon of hope for the future.